Saturday, March 31, 2012


94 Plutonium PU 244
92 Uranium U 238.028991

..Let’s start with Uranium 235 which was used in Little Boy. Let’s
begin with a Helium atom that has two neutrons pinning its intersection.
Now add another Helium atom beside it and pin their normal Shells
together with two Neutrons. Add another pair of Helium atoms. Put one
pair on top and the other on the bottom and rotate it forty five
degrees. Pin these pairs together with eight Neutrons. This makes
twenty pinning Neutrons.

..Add a Hydrogen atom in the center of these eight Normal Shells and pin
them together with eight Neutrons. The center Neutron brings the count
up to nine.

..Now add a Hydrogen atom on top and a Hydrogen atom on the bottom. Pin
them each with four Neutrons.

..Let there be twenty one Neutrons in each of the Normal Shells of the
Helium atoms. Twenty Neutrons are in four orbits (8,6,4,2), and one
Neutron is in the center of each of these Normal Shells (21x8).

..Let there be fifteen Neutrons in each of the top and bottom atoms.
Fourteen are in orbit (8,4,2), and one is in the center of each of
these two Normal Shells.

..This brings the total number of Neutrons to 235
{20+9+8 + (21x8) + (15x2)}.

..The aim then is to fire Neutrons into this pile of Uranium, and send
the above Neutrons going in all directions. They may even leave one
atom and move into another setting off a chain reaction. The end
result is to have two or more Neutrons hit each other and cause an
unSpinning. This nuclear reaction will cause the normal Shells to
compact and unSpin. The size of the explosion depends on the amount
of Uranium. In any case, it’s the same as Gravity compressing the
Hydrogen atoms in the sun. Also, the unSpinning of a Shell is
independent of its size.

..Fat Man was a little different. They used a steel sphere. The inside
was lined with explosives like TNT. The Plutonium was in the center.
The aim was to set off all of the explosives at the same time so that the
inward pressure was enormous. This would compress the normal Shells
and cause them to unSpin. Again, it’s the same as Gravity compressing
the Hydrogen atoms in the sun.

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