Monday, August 31, 2009


Chaos – Weather

The Libchaber’s experiment included four variables or fields: Gravity, Ray, Linear motion and Spin. Weather predictions must include a few more variables. The Earth rotates so one must include or exclude the sun, and there is no ceiling to contain the atmosphere. Also, there is often a horizontal Linear motion or wind. To this one must add Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, and water. An Oxygen atom contains eight neutrons in an outer orbit and six in an inner orbit. These orbits may rotate and precess. Also, water is unique in that the molecules cling to each other. This is probably due to the Hydrogen atoms forming unpinned intersections as already mention. Many such attractions produce clouds and drops of rain. Let’s not forget lightning and thunder when orbiting neutrons convert their energy to Ray. Together, these fields produce a nonlinear system and make accurate predictions almost impossible.

Rather than try to predict where a hurricane will land, a different approach is to sap its energy. One could build a fleet of refrigeration ships and fill them with liquid Oxygen or dry ice. As a funnel starts to form, sail the ships into the eye and open the cargo doors.

A similar approach is possible on dry land for a twister. One could also ask power companies to erect tall poles along highways and install lightning rods on these poles. A cable would be needed to carry Ray into the ground. Such energy would probably kill insects, snakes, and all vermin living near the poles plus the roots of many plants.

Chaos – Economics

Let’s now look at an even more complex system. The American economic system is capitalistic, nonlinear and unpredictable. Many men and women with PhDs have been working the problem for years with little improvement. Three cent stamps are now approaching sixty cents. Thirty cents per gallon of gas has now reached three dollars. Our national debt is over ten trillion dollars and counting. Everyone sees this inflation but no one can stop it. When it pops and produces a Big Bang, the chaotic results will make the French Reign of Terror look like a picnic.

The solution offered here is a PIPE line tax. The (PP) pertains to personal property tax; the (I) pertains to annual income tax; the (E) pertains to estate taxes. The line is drawn on four cycle log paper using the following points.

$ ...........10,000 or less _____0%
$ .........100,000 _________25%
$ .....1,000,000 __________50%
$ ...10,000,000 __________75%
$ 100,000,000 or more ___100%

Instead of the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer, this PIPE line tax makes the flow of money cyclic. It is nonlinear in that the more one makes or has the more taxes one pays. This tax pertains to all: individuals, families, groups, churches, organizations, and corporations. There are no exceptions or exemptions. Each payer makes a list of their property or income and finds their tax on the same straight line. The purpose of the straight line is to prevent lawyers from twisting the law to suit their own purposes. Any and all property or income not listed belongs to the city, county, state, or federal government in that order. Any undervalued property can be purchased by one of these governmental bodies.

In summary, chaos as a new science needs to expand its scope because nonlinearity is part of our universe. It also looks like a key to going inside an atom. On the quantum scale, there will be an increase in variables due to the subneutron and subelements like subHydrogen and suboxygen. I wish them luck.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Chaos – Energy Circles

Let’s now consider a frictionless simple pendulum. The AV model of our universe used a system circle to derive the period of a simple pendulum. It used an energy circle to show how the fields of Spin and Linear motion oscillate, and that the resulting equation was not restricted to small angles.

Gleick’s book illustrates what happens when one includes friction. The arc of each swing is less than the previous one and the pendulum eventually stops.

Friction is one way of converting these fields, Spin and Linear motion, to Space, i.e., entropy increases as the system returns to a stable state.

The importance of the simple pendulum is the use of the energy circle. The model applied an energy circle to a frictionless conical pendulum. In that case, Linear motion converted to Linear motion and the field of Spin acted as a catalyst. Again, the results were different from the book’s.

These energy circles gave a better understanding as to why a spinning gyroscope doesn’t fall. They also explained why planets, suns and other objects in space moved in elliptical orbits. Even Kepler didn’t know why. In short, they provided an elementary understanding of our universe.

Chaos – Heat

Heat is a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.

To better understand this definition, let’s start with a tank of Hydrogen connected to a Bunsen burner. When one opens a valve air mixes with the Hydrogen but nothing else happens.

In order to start a fire, one uses a devise which strikes a steel wire against a flint stone. One sees a spark but this has nothing to do with the fire. A spark is a set of light photons coming into one’s eye. Ray is what starts the fire.

The fields that define a Shell of Hydrogen are spinning at the speed of light. But to each other, they may not appear to be spinning. This allows two Hydrogen atoms to merge like weak magnets. Their fields intermesh to produce an unpinned intersection and become a Hydrogen molecule.

The Rays that go with the spark hit two orbiting neutrons in an Oxygen atom and causes them to pin a Hydrogen molecule to the Oxygen atom to produce a water molecule, H2O. Think of three small ping-pong balls forming a triangle. The orbital energies or Spin of these two neutrons convert to Rays and set off a chain reaction producing more water molecules. Many Rays hit other neutrons and produce many photons of light. We see them as a flame. If one places a hand near this frame, Rays will hit the atoms in one’s hand and cause them to move. One feels this movement and the increase in orbital energies of the neutrons and calls it hot.

Chaos – Albert Libchaber

Let’s now look at Libchaber’s experiment as pictured in Gleick’s book. He put liquid Helium in a small cell the size of a lemon seed within a vacuumed container and immersed it in a Helium bath. A copper plate sat at the bottom for the introduction of heat. A sapphire crystal at the top conducted away the heat. A bolometer recorded the heat introduced by electric heating coils.

Helium comprises two Deuterium atoms. Deuterium is heavy Hydrogen. It has one neutron co-located in the Shell’s center and one in orbit about the center. Take two ping-pong balls and cut the top off of one at forty degrees latitude and glue them together to see a Helium atom. The two neutrons which were in orbit are now located in the intersection of the two Shells. Liquid Helium is very cold and low on energy, i.e., movement.

Libchaber started with a small amount of heat, i.e., Ray. Ray hit a Helium center of mass and converted to an upward Linear motion. The always present Gravity also converted to a downward Linear motion. These like fields opposed each other and converted to Spin. Spin can appear in several forms: a rotation about one or more of the three axes, and orbiting neutrons in the intersection and/or Shells. It seems likely the atom bounced around and moved upward off the bottom of the cell. As it did so, another cooler atom took its place and repeated this action. This first atom of Helium made its way to the top where it touched the sapphire crystal and converted its energy to Ray. It was then pushed out of the way by the next atom of Helium. As it moved downward due to Gravity, a loop developed, and it moved to its original location to start another cycle.

Increasing the heat increased the speed of the atoms in the loop and disturbed the other atoms along the bottom. Atoms passing the sapphire crystal do not have time to unload all of their energy. As they moved downward in a new loop, they gain enough energy to return to the top and unload all their energy. They then return to the long loop to reach the bottom. Adding more energy raises the level of activity of all the atoms and chaos reigns in the cell.

The unanswered questions relate to the law that governs what goes on inside a Helium atom. When Ray hits a Helium atom, why and where does it convert to Spin? What are the priorities for a Helium atom in converting its Spin to Ray? Libchaber’s experiment is so simple and elegant that it should be possible for someone to simulate it on a computer and answer some of these questions by learning what goes on inside a Helium atom!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Chaos – Book

James Gleick’s book ‘Chaos-Making a new science’ is worth reading.

Chaos – Definition

Chaos theory is that branch of mathematics which studies the behavior of certain dynamical systems that may be highly sensitive to initial conditions. As a result of this sensitivity, which manifests itself as an exponential growth of error, the behavior of chaotic systems appears to be random. That is, tiny differences in the starting state of the system can lead to enormous differences in the final state of the system even over fairly small timescales. This gives the impression that the system is behaving randomly.

Chaos – Example

Start a cue ball rolling on a perfect billiard table. It will bounce off the cushions without any loss of energy. The ball follows the laws of mechanics and is predictable. An analysis says one can put ten cue balls in play and they will all follow the same path. OK, let’s say one starts adding more cue balls. However, the eighth ball starts at a slower speed. As it careens of the second cushion, it is clipped by another cue ball. In the blink of an eye, the cue balls are now bouncing off of each other and chaos reigns on the table. The point of this example is that chaos is a human perception. The balls are still following the laws of mechanics.

In Gleik’s book he states that Joseph Ford said, “God plays dice with the universe.” This statement is incorrect. The logical Beings, God2, who created our physical universe, left nothing to chance. Theirs was an intelligent design.

Chaos -- Questions

Gleick’s book is about mathematicians who work with fractals and nonlinear systems. They seem to be working on the horizon of our knowledge. While this is impressive, it raises ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions. The purpose of our universe is to teach illogical Beings how to reason logically. So, what are such logical reasoning people doing in our universe?

It may be that there is more to one’s existence than eddies, symbols and equal signs. Ethics and fine arts may be more important that we give them credit.

Also, why are they looking at chaos problems when a more important problem is right in front of them, our flat Earth number system? There are many things in our universe that cycle, and we should have a cyclic number system, but that is another topic.

Nevertheless, these mathematicians are trying to reason logically, and that it what they are suppose to do. However, they seem to be working on the symptoms and not the nature of the problems.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Chaos – Our Physical Universe

In Greek myth, Chaos is the original dark void from which everything else appeared. According to Hesiod's Theogony (the origin of the gods), Chaos was the nothingness out of which the first objects of existence appeared.

To see how correct this guess was, let’s start with a beginning of our physical universe using the AV model. The third quarter of a circle from six to nine o’clock provides an initial curve of our universe. The vertical downward movement illustrates the contracting field of Space and there is no light or any ‘thing’. This downward contraction process produces Shells out of the points of Space which explode and reconvert to points of Space. Ergo, this compression process is not linear. As Shells begin to persist, this curve asymptotes to the horizontal before the Big Bang.

The fourth quarter of a circle provides a curve of our expanding universe. The initial vertical expansion is enormous but again, the curve asymptotes to an upper horizontal line before the next cycle. It is doubtful that every Shell must reconvert to Space before the contraction starts again. Ergo, our physical universe is nonlinear, periodic and certainly chaotic at the instant of the Big Bang. Note, this school cycles even if there are no students.

Chaos – Our Solar System

Our solar system appears stable but everyone knows the sun is emitting energy in vast quantities and cannot last forever. Also, the free neutrons and subneutrons which produced the eight planets are slowly moving to the center of the sun. After their arrival, there will be a large explosion which will kill trillions of humans on Earth. This sounds awful, but it isn’t. Remember, our physical universe is a self contained set of interacting logical ideas. Our minds process these ideas, and we think they are real. After this explosion in the sun, many minds will again be aware of The Universe. The illogical Beings will re-enter and be born on another planet.

Chaos -- Earth

In our planet, Gravity also compresses atoms to produce other atoms and release lots of energy. This process is similar to that in our sun but on a slower and smaller scale. At its core, this energy keeps a large amount of iron and nickel in liquid form. When this liquid flows, it changes the center of gravity of our planet. Ergo, it is possible for our planet to roll over on its side so Antarctica lies on the new equator and chaos is everywhere as all try to survive.

However, Chaos theory does not pertain to these systems and predicting when they will change is pointless as we can do nothing about it.