Monday, August 24, 2009


Chaos – Our Physical Universe

In Greek myth, Chaos is the original dark void from which everything else appeared. According to Hesiod's Theogony (the origin of the gods), Chaos was the nothingness out of which the first objects of existence appeared.

To see how correct this guess was, let’s start with a beginning of our physical universe using the AV model. The third quarter of a circle from six to nine o’clock provides an initial curve of our universe. The vertical downward movement illustrates the contracting field of Space and there is no light or any ‘thing’. This downward contraction process produces Shells out of the points of Space which explode and reconvert to points of Space. Ergo, this compression process is not linear. As Shells begin to persist, this curve asymptotes to the horizontal before the Big Bang.

The fourth quarter of a circle provides a curve of our expanding universe. The initial vertical expansion is enormous but again, the curve asymptotes to an upper horizontal line before the next cycle. It is doubtful that every Shell must reconvert to Space before the contraction starts again. Ergo, our physical universe is nonlinear, periodic and certainly chaotic at the instant of the Big Bang. Note, this school cycles even if there are no students.

Chaos – Our Solar System

Our solar system appears stable but everyone knows the sun is emitting energy in vast quantities and cannot last forever. Also, the free neutrons and subneutrons which produced the eight planets are slowly moving to the center of the sun. After their arrival, there will be a large explosion which will kill trillions of humans on Earth. This sounds awful, but it isn’t. Remember, our physical universe is a self contained set of interacting logical ideas. Our minds process these ideas, and we think they are real. After this explosion in the sun, many minds will again be aware of The Universe. The illogical Beings will re-enter and be born on another planet.

Chaos -- Earth

In our planet, Gravity also compresses atoms to produce other atoms and release lots of energy. This process is similar to that in our sun but on a slower and smaller scale. At its core, this energy keeps a large amount of iron and nickel in liquid form. When this liquid flows, it changes the center of gravity of our planet. Ergo, it is possible for our planet to roll over on its side so Antarctica lies on the new equator and chaos is everywhere as all try to survive.

However, Chaos theory does not pertain to these systems and predicting when they will change is pointless as we can do nothing about it.

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