Friday, March 27, 2009


I tried to read an article ‘M-Theory’ which used string theory with eleven independent dimensions to explain our physical universe. The model is not finished, and I didn’t understand it. I was interested in it because my model of our physical universe uses eleven fields, Space and ten other fields. My model starts with the idea of a point and expands and contracts until a Big Bang occurs. It is simple to explain and covers many topics on the left side of the Tree Of Knowledge (TOK). Of the two models, Occam’s Razor favors my model.

However, the main difference is that the M-Theory is a set of equations which hopefully will explain everything while my model acts more like a program running on a computer. The main algorithm is about Space. Space converts to ten other fields during its compression period before a Big Bang, and each field has its own algorithm. When the fields convert into a normal Shell, i.e., atom, that atom and every such atom has its own algorithm which stays with it until it reconverts to Space. During the compression period when fields convert into a neutron inside an atom, two algorithms come into play, one for the neutron and one for the combination called a Hydrogen atom.

We divide things into three groups: Animal, Mineral, and Vegetable. Think of these groups as large algorithms with many if statements or branches. Minerals pertain to the list on the left of the TOK. The unstable atoms are at the bottom left.

Life begins with the advent of unstable atoms. Each unstable atom coats itself with stable atoms and becomes a live molecule with its own algorithm. A molecule with zero openings acts like a stable molecule until something changes it. A live molecule with one opening becomes an animal, and a live molecule with two openings becomes a vegetable. As to the question of which came first the chicken or the egg, one can now say these nodules are eggs.

Depending on their energy level, physical makeup, and environment, these molecules move up the various algorithm branches to become something larger in our world. Darwin calls this process natural selection or evolution.

Universals come into play when one starts at the top, say the animal algorithm, and picks a major subset algorithm called ‘cats’. This cat algorithm covers saber tooth tigers to alley cats, and many more which we cannot even imagine. Jungle law determines who survives. Universals also apply to manmade objects like a table. Algorithms attach to all combinations of atoms no matter their origin.

The key point is our physical universe is a school with a wide variety of apparent objects designed to aid us in learning how to reason logically.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Mathematics is a subset of logic and belongs in the list of ideas on the right side of the Tree Of Knowledge (TOK). This post has three comments on mathematics.

First, let me refer to the previous post on the importance of the list of ideas on the right of the TOK. The natural processes of our physical universe have their own laws. Physicists try to describe these processes with physical laws like Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. Where would physics be without mathematics?

Second, the problem with our mathematics is that it is a flat Earth math. Think of a circular tube full of paint. Punch a small hole in the bottom and roll the tube along on a flat surface. Every time the hole touches the surface, it will leave a spot of paint. You can name these spots: 1 2 3 4 etc. The list of these names is infinite. You can also name these spots: 2 4 6 8 etc. The list of these even names is infinite. How can one have an infinite number of names and remove half the numbers and still have an infinite number of names? Logic says there is something wrong.

What we need is a cyclic mathematical system. Our physical universe cycles from one Big Bang to the next. Planets orbit their sun. History repeats itself, and illogical Beings pass through life and death cycles as they try to learn to reason logically.

Third, in my metaphysics article, I created a model of our physical universe from the idea of a point. This point became a spherical field of Space which contracted into ten other fields before the Big Bang. This model explains many objects and events we see today in our expanding universe, but it has a flaw. It contains no imaginary numbers. The term ‘imaginary’ is a misnomer. The square root of minus one is no different than any other number.

Our physical universe is a school. It exists to teach us how to reason logically. Everything we sense is a training aid, e.g., imaginary numbers. Think of a tape/belt with the real numbers on the outside and the imaginary numbers on the inside. Give this tape a twist to produce a mobius strip. My model needs a twist somewhere to include imaginary numbers. One cannot have a universe of ideas and omit imaginary numbers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Physical vs nonphysical ideas

Look at the top roots of the Tree Of Knowledge and see the ideas divide into two groups: physical and nonphysical. Which group is the most important?

The physical ideas pertain to atoms, energy, power, gold, money. If one is to believe physical objects are real, then the choice is obvious. To support this decision, ask yourself of what practical use are aesthetics: The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty, as in the fine arts.

The answer is obvious if one forgets one’s purpose in our physical universe. If one is to learn to reason logically, then accumulating money and power is harmful to one’s efforts. One cannot take money and power or any physical object with them when they die, i.e., return to The Universe. Ideas do not cross the boundary of our physical universe in either direction. This rule is what makes it a ‘universe’.

If a person excels in greed and pride, then these traits may carry over to The Universe. There is little or no information on The Universe, but I believe these sins would be undesirable traits in any society.

Think of three persons with their arms extended and fingers interlaced. One embraces air; one a tree, and one embraces a column of gold. My main article on metaphysics shows how the idea of a point converted to atoms and everything physical. So, all three are embracing Space whether they know it or not.

From these examples, I say the nonphysical ideas on the right of the Tree Of Knowledge are more important than those on the left.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Idealism vs Realism

Idealism is the philosophical theory which maintains that the ultimate
nature of reality is based on mind or ideas. It holds that the so-called
external or "real world" is inseparable from mind, consciousness, or

Realism is the philosophical doctrine, opposed to idealism, that physical
objects exist independently of their being perceived.

It turns out, both of these 'isms' are partially correct with idealism more
so than realism.

My metaphysics article says our physical universe is a self contained set
of interacting logical ideas. Our minds process these ideas, and we think
they are real. So, I placed ideas at the top of the roots of the tree of
along side of philosophy .

One can read about Plato and his cave allegory. People who live in the
cave think the shadows on the wall are real. A cave man came out and
returned. He tried to explain the truth about the shadows, but the others
thought he was crazy.

One can continue to read the history of idealism and reach Bishop
. He contends that individuals can only directly know sensations
and ideas of objects, not abstractions such as "matter." As a bishop, an
idea of a Christian God is always in his background, and bringing a God
into a discussion is a 'turnoff' for may realists.

For example, God2 created our intelligently designed perfect physical
universe as a school and as a teacher. Since it is perfect, God2 is not
going to change anything. So, talking about or to this God2 is pointless.

The purpose of our physical universe is to teach us illogical Beings
how to reason logically. Therefore, one should treat all physical objects
as real. They are there to help teach us how to reason logically.

Realist are correct in that physical objects exist independently of their
being perceived, because our school continues. It cycles from one Big
Bang to the next and is independent of its students.

I don't think realists can detemine the answers for questions related to:
who, what, when, where, how, and why. When, and where are not
important, but who, what, how and why are given in my metaphysics

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bodhi Tree

I like to think of this Tree of Knowledge as the Bodhi Tree under which
the spiritual teacher Buddha achieved enlightenment. I’ve already
said our physical universe is a self-contained set of interacting logical
ideas. So, let me start at the top of these roots with ‘ideas’. I also place
philosophy at the top next to ‘ideas’. A philosopher is a lover of wisdom.
Wisdom is the sum of scholarly learning through the ages, and it covers
all of these roots.