Friday, March 13, 2009

Physical vs nonphysical ideas

Look at the top roots of the Tree Of Knowledge and see the ideas divide into two groups: physical and nonphysical. Which group is the most important?

The physical ideas pertain to atoms, energy, power, gold, money. If one is to believe physical objects are real, then the choice is obvious. To support this decision, ask yourself of what practical use are aesthetics: The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty, as in the fine arts.

The answer is obvious if one forgets one’s purpose in our physical universe. If one is to learn to reason logically, then accumulating money and power is harmful to one’s efforts. One cannot take money and power or any physical object with them when they die, i.e., return to The Universe. Ideas do not cross the boundary of our physical universe in either direction. This rule is what makes it a ‘universe’.

If a person excels in greed and pride, then these traits may carry over to The Universe. There is little or no information on The Universe, but I believe these sins would be undesirable traits in any society.

Think of three persons with their arms extended and fingers interlaced. One embraces air; one a tree, and one embraces a column of gold. My main article on metaphysics shows how the idea of a point converted to atoms and everything physical. So, all three are embracing Space whether they know it or not.

From these examples, I say the nonphysical ideas on the right of the Tree Of Knowledge are more important than those on the left.

1 comment:

  1. Real physical realities are energy, matter, time and space (all interconnected). You are adding "power" - in what sense? Political power, or power as it is defined in physics? Money? - what that has to do with universe? Money is human creation and essentially is a symbol.

    Greed and pride carry over to the Universe? I'm sorry, there is no real need for me to read the rest (although I probably will, just to have fun).
