Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The author mentions four elementary particles: the neutron, the proton, the electron, and the photon. In the AV model, the neutron is a small Shell. The proton is a neutron with what appears to have a positive charged disturbance on it. The electron is a disturbance on a normal Shell or atom and appears negative. The photon is a point about which the fields of Spin and Ray exist. Streams of photons produce the electromagnetic spectrum (EM). In physics, a baryon is a combination of two or more neutrons and protons. They lump together the electron and photon as leptons because they have little mass. In the AV model, they have no mass. The AV model restricts mass to the center of a Shell. This is not the case in physics. It seems for something to exist it must have a mass.

The author says the neutron is unstable. If all by itself, it would become a proton and an electron. In the AV model, a free neutron is the same as a normal Shell or atom only smaller. Gravity acts on it and moves it to another mass center. It can enter a normal Shell and become part of its nuclei. This may result in an electron and a proton, but the neutron is not an unstable particle.

The positron or anti-electron is the antiparticle
or the antimatter counterpart of the electron. Positrons were discovered in 1932 by Carl D. anderson, who gave the positron its name. The positron was the first evidence of antimatter and was discovered by passing cosmic rays through a cloud chamber and a lead plate surrounded by a magnet to distinguish the particles by bending differently charged particles in different directions. This anti-electron led to anti-matter to an anti-universe.

There is no anti-matter in the AV model. The word ‘universe’ means one not two or more. So, what was Anderson looking at in his cloud chamber? To answer this question, it is first necessary to talk about electricity in a wire. When Ray moves though a wire, it moves from mass center to mass center. At each center, it converts to the Magno field and then back to Ray. The north pole of the magnetic field is in the direction Ray is moving. The magnetic field acts a catalyst. The same conversions happen in the cloud chamber. However, the cloud chamber is not uniform in its structure as a copper wire. The cloud chamber is full of water molecules plus Oxygen and Nitrogen. And as mentioned above, a water molecule can be of any configuration. One of which is a straight line configuration of Hydrogen-Oxygen-Hydrogen (HOH). Another configuration is a triangle where the two Hydrogen atoms touch each other.

The source of the cosmic rays in Anderson’s experiment is not important because we are interested in Ray which he never knew existed. So, in this first example, Ray moves in a straight line from center to center especially in the Oxygen atoms which have the most neutrons. As Ray moves, each water molecule becomes a small weak magnet pointing north in the direction of Ray. This causes it to move slightly to the south pole of the main magnet in the experiment. There is also a small conversion to photons of light so the experimenter can see the curved path of Ray.

In the second example, Ray moves in a straight line from center to center in the Hydrogen atoms. In each triangular water molecule, Ray also loops clockwise through the Oxygen atom on the right. This results in a magnetic south pole pointing in the direction Ray is traveling. This also causes it to move slightly to the north pole of the main magnet in the experiment.

The author also talks about protons and antiprotons where the antiprotons have a negative charge. In the AV model, this means the proton has a Ray leaving the neutron. The viewer is on the side of Ray which makes the disturbance appear positive. If the Ray is weak and only converts to Space, The viewer is on the bottom side of Ray which makes the disturbance appear negative.

As for the neutrino, the author mentions that Wolfgang Pauli suggested the existence of the neutrino and Enrico Fermi worked out a detailed theory of the neutrino production to save the conservation laws. In 1953 Clyde L. Cowan, Jr. and Frederick Reines sat up an experiment and detected the antineutrino. Their view of the neutrino was that it was uncharged, massless, and traveled at the speed of light. Today in physics, neutrinos have a minuscule, but nonzero mass and there are three types.

In the AV model, Ray has no mass. Actually, we live in a sea of Rays. Rays are of different lengths depending on their energy. As Ray moves into deep Space, the points which comprise a Ray fade into the points of the expanding Space.

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