The AV model is a theory of everything. It covers Gods, our physical universe, which cycles from one Big Bang to the next, and life itself. To extend its coverage, these next articles will go inside the atom. While this is all logical guess work, it is guided in part by Issac Asimov’s book ‘The Neutrino’ and articles in Wikipedia.
The intent here is to use only the ideas in the AV model to explain what is happening in the world of particle physics. The ideas or fields in the AV model are: Space, Gravity, Ray, Kone, Electro, Magno, Spin, Shell, and Linear motion. There are three sizes of Shells: Normal, Small, and Smallest. These are known as Atom, Neutron, and subNeutron or Black Hole. Thus, there is the field of Space and ten other fields. These ten fields convert from one form to another with a small amount converting back to Space. We say entropy increases. Even though we are in an expansion period of a Big Bang cycle, local fields tend toward stability.
Our physical universe is a school and a teacher. Its purpose is to teach us how to reason logically. To do this, one must consider the event under examination, the instruments used to examine the event, and the interpretation of the results.
Let’s start with a definition of an atom.
The intent here is to use only the ideas in the AV model to explain what is happening in the world of particle physics. The ideas or fields in the AV model are: Space, Gravity, Ray, Kone, Electro, Magno, Spin, Shell, and Linear motion. There are three sizes of Shells: Normal, Small, and Smallest. These are known as Atom, Neutron, and subNeutron or Black Hole. Thus, there is the field of Space and ten other fields. These ten fields convert from one form to another with a small amount converting back to Space. We say entropy increases. Even though we are in an expansion period of a Big Bang cycle, local fields tend toward stability.
Our physical universe is a school and a teacher. Its purpose is to teach us how to reason logically. To do this, one must consider the event under examination, the instruments used to examine the event, and the interpretation of the results.
Let’s start with a definition of an atom.
Atom - A basic unit of matterconsisting of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the case of hydrogen-1, which is the only stable nuclide with no neutron). The electrons of an atom are bound to the nucleus by the electromagetic force. The term matter traditionally refers to the substance that all objects are made of. Substance is a core concept of ontology and metaphysics. Ontology -- The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being. Metaphysics -- The branch of
philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.
Nuclide - A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as Carbon 14.
Nuclide - A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as Carbon 14.
In this first confusing definition of an atom, if one removes the central nucleus, then one has a cloud of negatively charged electrons. What is this cloud and where is the energy in E=mc2?
Atom (AV) – A set of one or more normal Shells. The set may contain zero or more small Shells, i.e., neutrons, and each neutron may contain zero or more smallest Shells, i.e., subneutrons or black holes.
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