. There are four fundamental interactions in particle physics: Strong, Gravitation, the electromagnetic force, and the weak interaction. It should be understood that in the AV model, there is no force per se. There are just fields converting to other fields as everything converts to Space. Force is a human term used to describe a move of something or of work. Newton’s laws help define local motions, e.g., F=ma, Force equals mass times acceleration.
. Gravitation is the natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies. In the AV model, unopposed incoming lines of Gravity convert to Linear motion at a center of mass, i.e., a Shell’s center, and move the mass in the direction of the incoming lines of Gravity. Gravity is a compressive force. There is no attraction or action at a distance. It just appears that way.
. A stronger attractive force was postulated to explain how the atomic nucleus was bound together despite the protons' mutual electromagnetic repulsion. This hypothesized force was called the strong force, which was believed to be a fundamental force that acted on the nucleons (the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus). Experiments suggested that this force bound protons and neutrons together with equal strength. The key here is electromagnetic repulsion.
. Gravitation is the natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies. In the AV model, unopposed incoming lines of Gravity convert to Linear motion at a center of mass, i.e., a Shell’s center, and move the mass in the direction of the incoming lines of Gravity. Gravity is a compressive force. There is no attraction or action at a distance. It just appears that way.
. A stronger attractive force was postulated to explain how the atomic nucleus was bound together despite the protons' mutual electromagnetic repulsion. This hypothesized force was called the strong force, which was believed to be a fundamental force that acted on the nucleons (the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus). Experiments suggested that this force bound protons and neutrons together with equal strength. The key here is electromagnetic repulsion.
. In physics, electromotive force, or most commonly emf or volts is that which tends to cause current (actual electrons and ions) to flow. In the AV model, there are no electrons and no flow. If one moves a copper wire across magnetic lines, then Linear motion converts to Ray which moves along the wire and one has an electric generator. If one sends Ray through a copper wire in a magnetic field, then Ray converts to Linear motion and one has an electric motor. So, electromotive force is different from electromagnetic repulsion.
. In physics, electromagnetism is the electromagnetic field, a field that exerts a force on particles with the property of electric charge and is reciprocally affected by the presence and motion of such particles. The key here is electric charge.
. In physics, the electric charge on a body may be positive or negative. Two positively charged bodies experience a mutual repulsive force, as do two negatively charged bodies. A positively charged body and a negatively charged body experience an attractive force. The key here is electric charge.
. In physics, the positive electric charge is carried by a single proton, or equivalently, the negative of the electric charge carried by a single electron. Again, in the AV model, there is no electron per se. At the center of a Shell, incoming opposing lines of Gravity convert to expanding spheres of Space. A small amount of this incoming Gravity converts to Ray. This appears to be a leftover from the compression period. This small Ray moves to the surface of the Shell and creates a disturbance as it converts to Space. This disturbance is what one calls an electron. As Ray rotates inside the Shell, the electron appears to be in an orbit. To a human, this electron appears negative because Ray is on the other side. On a small Shell or neutron in the normal Shell, the disturbance appears positive because Ray is on the same side as the viewer.
. In physics, it is possible to rub amber or glass to obtain an electrical charge and demonstrate the effect of the charge by touching an electrometer and seeing the foils separate. How is this possible in the AV model?
. The AV model has the small Shells or neutrons in orbit about the center of a normal Shell instead of piled up in the center. Given an atom or normal Shell in room like conditions, some neutrons will be in orbit. Let’s say rubbing the atom converts Linear motion to Ray which converts to Spin in the neutrons and their orbit grows larger along with their rotation rate. The Ray coming from the center of the atom passes through these neutrons to produce the orbiting electron. The number of these electrons appears to have increased, and they are moving faster in their orbits. The viewer says the object containing the atoms has a negative electric charge. The opposite is also true. The orbital energy decreases and a neutron could even drop into the center.
. Let’s now move to the electrometer and touch the top with our negatively charged probe. In this case, the extra energy moves into the atoms as Ray and turns each leaf into a magnet. The incoming Gravity tries to move them apart at the top but this is impossible. This Gravity converts to Linear motion and tries to level the leaves, and they appear to move apart. Think of sitting on a bridge with a twenty foot 2x4 piece of wood hanging down. Now hold the end and try to rotate the 2x4 upward to the horizontal position. It becomes harder to rotate the 2x4 as its center of gravity moves away from your vertical position.
. Which interpretation is correct? Well, it is easy to test. Let the leaves in the electrometer hang straight down with no charge on them. Place a compass on each side of the leaves and again touch the top with the charged probe. The compass needles will turn as appropriate.
. Let’s now return to the strong force. Without the electromagnetic repulsion, there is no strong force. So, what is it that holds the neutrons and protons together? Look at the above Helium atom. Neutrons are pinning the normal Shells together. How this is done is unknown. Dropping down a level, it is possible to have subneutrons pinning the protons and neutrons together. Another possible way is just to have the small Shells interlock on each other.
. The weak interaction changes one flavor of quark into another. This is not in the AV model.
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