._In the AV model, there are no quarks or leptons. The difference lies in the basic definition of an atom. In physics, the atom is a basic unit of matter consisting of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. In the AV model, there are just Shells within Shells. The three sizes are: normal, small and smallest, or atom, neutron, and subneutron. Each Shell comprises fields spinning at the speed of light so as to become self-locking. For example, the north and south poles of the magnetic fields are at the same place at the same time.
._Let’s start by smashing two atoms together. In physics, this means smashing two nuclei at high speeds to produce the quarks. In the AV model, the two normal Shells hit and unSpin, i.e., explode. The first happening is the conversion to Space. Although the two nuclei are only the diameter of a Shell apart, there is a thick wall of Space between them. It is like turning a corner and walking into a fifty mph wind. The neutrons which were traveling towards each other at the same high speed now slow as they move through the thick Space. This Space moves outward like a shock wave and is not visible to an observer or any photograph of the explosion.
._Along with this explosion is the conversion of the two Shells to other fields. Gravity, for example, continues its inward progress to the available mass centers. Its only affect appears to be the pushing of the neutrons and subneutrons into other Shells. If they are the Shells which are emitting photons, they soon disappear.
._Ray is the next field of interest. It would fire at each of the mass centers and convert to another field. It would produce many photons that a photograph could detect and many others that would go undetected. It would also convert to Linear motion at each of these mass centers and move them away from the center of the explosion. This would certainly slow the neutrons in the nuclei so that they would not hit each other with enough force to cause them to unSpin. These opposing Linear motion fields would also probably convert to Ray. The neutrons that were originally in orbit about the center of mass of their atom would continue their motion toward the center of the explosion, miss all other neutrons, and move away in an arc. Ray is not visible, but it could pass through the mass centers and produce a magnetic field of short life which could be detected. Ray would also hit any photographic plate or detection device.
._The other undetected fields would be Kone, Electro, Spin and subneutrons. Fields producing the EM spectrum might be detected, but those producing the Dark Light (DL) spectrum would not.
._The subneutrons are a special case. They may or may not be in the neutrons or even inside the colliding Shells. Remember, a neutron inside a Hydrogen atom may in fact be a subHydrogen atom or a suboxygen atom. The combinations are endless. A free subneutron would act like a free neutron. It could also emit photons before it disappeared inside another Shell.
._In physics, the experimenter is probably looking at a photograph of the explosion and trying to imagine what happened. There would be no limit to his imagination or the creation of new pieces of matter. It would be like making predictions from the northern lights. In the AV model, there is the field of Space and ten other fields. They would allow many combinations, but one cannot add any new matter. Given a choice, one should side with Ockham's razor and go with the AV model.