Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Many free Neutrons in our sun caused an explosion that sent two masses of
Hydrogen atoms into space to become our planet with its moon. Their outward
Linear-motions were opposed by the incoming Gravity, and these energies
converted to Spin for both the large and small masses. When the masses
stopped their outward motions, they became gyros. The inward force of
gravity caused the masses to move perpendicular to the direction of the
force of gravity. In time, one mass went into orbit about the sun and
became our planet Earth. The smaller mass went into orbit about Earth and
became our moon. Gravity continued to compress the Hydrogen atoms and the
inner cores began to glow due to the unSpinning of the atoms, i.e., nuclear
explosions. However, the processes were smaller and slower in both masses.


Hydrogen converted to Deuterium which converted to Helium. Hydrogen is a
normal Shell with a Neutron at it center. Deuterium is a Hydrogen atom with
a Neutron in orbit about its center. Helium occurs when two Deuterium atoms
are pressed together and the orbiting Neutrons remain in their intersection
and pin them together.


Scandium comprises four normal Hydrogen Shells. Each Shell contains
two orbits with eight Neutrons in the outer orbit and one Neutron in the
inner orbit [(8+1+1) x 4]. There is a Neutron in each of the four dual
intersections (40+4). It appears a center Neutron goes into orbit from time
to time to make the AW 45.


Titanium comprises a Hydrogen atom trapped between two Helium atoms.
Each of the four outer Helium Shells contains two orbits. There are
six Neutrons in the outer orbit and two Neutrons in the inner orbit
([6+2 +1] x 4). A pair of Neutrons pin the two Helium atoms together
(2+4). The Hydrogen atom is pinned to each of the four outer normal
Helium Shells (4+1).


Vanadium comprises two Helium atoms with two orbits in each normal Shell.
The outer Shell contains eight orbiting Neutrons. The inner Shell contains
two orbiting Neutrons ([8+2+1] x 4). There is a single Neutron in each of
the new dual intersections (4+2).


chromium is a Titanium atom with seven Neutrons in the outer orbit in each
of the four normal Shells ([7+2+1] x4) + (2+4) + (4+1).


Manganese comprises two Helium atoms pressed together. Each normal Shell
has Neutrons in two orbits. There are eight Neutrons in the outer orbit
and three neutrons in the inner orbit ([8+3+1] x 4). There is a single
Neutron in each of the two dual intersections (2+4).


Iron is like Titanium. Iron comprises five normal Shells. In the four
outer Shells there are two orbits. The outer obit contains eight Neutrons.
The inner orbit contains two Neutrons ([8+2+1] x 4 ). A pair of Neutrons
pin the two Helium atoms together (2+4). The Hydrogen atom is pinned to
each of the four outer normal Helium Shells (4+1).

When the orbits are perpendicular, they send opposing Rays to the center.
These Rays convert to Magno. The field of Magno has fields leaving the
North Pole and returning in the South Pole. These returning lines of Magno
convert to Ray which leaves by the North Pole.


Nickel is like Manganese except that there are four Neutrons in the inner
orbit of all four normal Shells ([8+4 +1] x 4). There is a single Neutron
in each of the two dual intersections that pin the Helium atoms
together (2+4).


The above elements make up the core of the planet Earth. The main element
in the crust’s outer layer is Carbon. Carbon comprises six Deuterium atoms
in a circular chain. The Neutrons that were in orbit are now in the six
dual intersections.

Place four of these Deuterium atoms in a horizontal plane with a Shell on
top and a Shell on the bottom. Press them together and one has a diamond.
Bend or twist this Carbon atom and one has Amorphous Carbon.

The surface of the planet is covered with hydrocarbons such as coal. Above
the surface are methane (CH4) and ethane (CH6). Above these gasses are
Helium and Hydrogen which also permeate the whole planet.

There is no life on the planet.

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