To visualize a Shell, think of a small bar magnet. Rotate this bar magnet
in the vertical plane at the speed of light. Now, rotate this bar magnet
in the horizontal plane at the speed of light. Now, reduce the length of
the bar magnet to zero. One now has a mass of one, i.e. m=1.
The energy in this Shell is given by Einstein’s equation, E=mcc. The
letter c represents the speed of light, and c squared pertains to the
rotational energy, i.e., Spin, in the vertical and horizontal planes.
At each North Pole, each line of Magno exits to loop around and
re-enter a nearby South Pole. These magnetic loops are tightly packed
next to each other and go in all directions.
During a compression period before a ‘Big Bang’, the process that creates
a Shell is the same for all three sizes. The small Shell or ‘Neutron’ is
created in a normal Shell. The smallest Shell (sub-Neutron) is created in
a small Shell. Shells are very small and not much bigger than points.
At one time, people believed our planet was flat. Now they think in a
straight line. Such is not the case, Our physical universe cycles from one
Big Bang to the next. All Shells including Hydrogen atoms are created
during the compression period before a Big Bang. Hydrogen comprises a small
Shell inside a Normal Shell. Sub-Hydrogen comprises a smallest Shell, i.e.,
sug-Neutron, inside a small Shell, i.e., Neutron.
When the centers of Shells co-exist, they count as one. When their centers
are offset, they count as two. Thus the average atomic weight of Hydrogen
is 1.00794, which indicates the centers are mostly co-existing.
For an atomic weight, the whole number indicates the number of involved
Neutrons. The fraction indicates the degree of co-location between the
center of a Neutron and its normal Shell center.
In a star (our sun) Gravity compresses the Hydrogen atoms to the state
where they cannot move. At this point, a Hydrogen atom unSpins and
reconverts to Space and other fields. The explosion forces Neutrons into
other normal Shells, i.e., atoms. The involved fields are: Space, Gravity,
Ray, Kone, Electro, Magno, Spin, Shell, and Linear-motion. There are three
sizes of Shells: Normal, Small, and Smallest, or Atom, Neutron, and
Deuterium is an isotope of Hydrogen. Deuterium is a Hydrogen atom with
an orbiting Neutron. It is illogical to say this second Neutron lies dormant
in the center with all of the energy available to move it. There are no
protons or electrons per se. The atomic number (1) is the above left number.
Hydrogen is in a periodic table. Deuterium is not in the periodic table.
A Helium atom comprises two deuterium atoms pressed together so that their
orbiting neutrons cease to orbit and remain in their intersection. It takes
energy to remove them.
A star converts many Hydrogen atoms to Space and other fields. Some Hydrogen
atoms capture Neutrons to make Deuterium. However, many Neutrons are blown
out of the sun by these nuclear explosions. Gravity eventually stops their
outward motion, and most Neutrons orbit the sun and eventually fall back
into the sun. Some Neutrons fall toward planets. The mass of a Neutron is
no different than the mass of a planet, i.e., mass is mass.
Look at the Hydrogen atom in a book. Remove the Neutron and assume an
electron in orbit. Where is the energy in E=mcc????
..Return the Neutron to the center. Where or what in an atom gives it the
power to create a field of gravity that reaches across the universe and
attracts another atom????
..Assume a vast reaching gravity field for an atom. Convert the atom to
energy. What happens to the gravity field? If it vanishes, then it does so
faster than light. If it doesn’t, then one has a gravity field with no
associated mass??
..Look at a sheet of polar graph paper. The radial lines represent the
incoming lines of Gravity. The circles represent the outgoing expanding
spheres of Space.
..Up to now, our scientific community has ignored Space, Kone, Ray, and
the smallest Shell, i.e., sub-Neutron. And, all of them have the wrong
idea about the field of Gravity. There is no action at a distance or
space-time warp.
In the AV model, part of the incoming energy converts to Ray at a Shell’s
center. Ray is one dimensional. Ray moves from the center of a normal Shell
to its surface and converts to Space. This conversion creates a local
disturbance we call an Electron. As Ray rotates inside a Shell, so does
the electron. Humans are on the outside of a Shell and the electron appears
negative. Ray also passes through the Neutron at its Shell’s center and
creates a local disturbance. This local disturbance appears positive to
humans because we are on the same side as Ray. A proton is a neutron with
a positive charge.
..The same process in a Neutron within an atom produces a stream of
electro-magnetic energy at the surface of the Neutron. This EM energy rides
outward on the expanding spheres of Space. A photon pertains to a single
point of EM energy or a short quanta. A photon has no mass.
..The same process in a sub-Neutron within a Neutron produces a stream of
Kone-Magno energy, known as dark light (D-L), at the surface of the
sub-Neutron. Our eyes did not evolve to detect this D-L energy.
Sun spots are acres of sub-Hydrogen elements on the surface of the sun.
Rays and EM radiation coming from inside the sun convert to DL by these
elements. Larger collections of such sub-elements produce black holes.
The atomic number (1 for Hydrogen) is also the proton number. For Deuterium,
the atomic number is also 1. The orbiting Neutron is independent of the
rotating Ray. The atomic number is 2 for Helium. Ray does not pass through
the pinned Neutrons. The mass number is the number of centers in an atom,
i.e., normal Shell.
The sun can produce other elements, but the concern here is with those
produced in a planet. In the turmoil within the sun, Gravity forces all
Shells into the center. However, the smaller Hydrogen atoms work their way
under the Helium atoms thus pushing them outwards. Some of the free Neutrons
and sub-Neutrons collect together, form their own local center of gravity,
and cause their own nuclear explosions sending large sets of matter into
space to form planets. Accretion does not form planets. The center of a
planet is like the center of a star, i.e., the force of gravity is still
at work, but the conversion process is smaller and slower.
The nuclear explosions that produce the planets continue as the Neutrons and
sub-Neutrons move deeper into the sun. They have their own magnetic fields
and expend most of their energies in getting their local mass to the surface.
The result is a large plume that erupts like a volcano.
..Moons orbit planets and rotate about their own axis.
..Planets orbit suns and rotate about their own axis.
..Our sun orbits our galaxy which rotates about its own axis.
''Galaxies orbit the center of our universe and rotate about their own axis.
Now think about a normal Shell. It is part of these rotations. Now go
inside a normal Shell.
..Neutrons are in orbit and rotate about their own axis. Go inside again.
..Sub-Neutrons are in orbit and rotate about their own axis.
Looking into space gives one a model for looking into an atom.
Again, mass is mass.
While the above nuclear actions are going on, Gravity will continue to move
the free Neutrons and sub-Neutrons toward the center of the Sun. When they
arrive in enough quantity, there will be a large explosion known as a super
nova. Trillions of people living on the Earth will cease to be. This is
not a disaster. The illogical Beings will awake in ‘The Universe’. If they
have not learned to reason logically, they will reenter another or the same
school for another try.
This ends the discussion of elements in the sun.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
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