Chaos – Weather
The Libchaber’s experiment included four variables or fields: Gravity, Ray, Linear motion and Spin. Weather predictions must include a few more variables. The Earth rotates so one must include or exclude the sun, and there is no ceiling to contain the atmosphere. Also, there is often a horizontal Linear motion or wind. To this one must add Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, and water. An Oxygen atom contains eight neutrons in an outer orbit and six in an inner orbit. These orbits may rotate and precess. Also, water is unique in that the molecules cling to each other. This is probably due to the Hydrogen atoms forming unpinned intersections as already mention. Many such attractions produce clouds and drops of rain. Let’s not forget lightning and thunder when orbiting neutrons convert their energy to Ray. Together, these fields produce a nonlinear system and make accurate predictions almost impossible.
Rather than try to predict where a hurricane will land, a different approach is to sap its energy. One could build a fleet of refrigeration ships and fill them with liquid Oxygen or dry ice. As a funnel starts to form, sail the ships into the eye and open the cargo doors.
A similar approach is possible on dry land for a twister. One could also ask power companies to erect tall poles along highways and install lightning rods on these poles. A cable would be needed to carry Ray into the ground. Such energy would probably kill insects, snakes, and all vermin living near the poles plus the roots of many plants.
Chaos – Economics
Let’s now look at an even more complex system. The American economic system is capitalistic, nonlinear and unpredictable. Many men and women with PhDs have been working the problem for years with little improvement. Three cent stamps are now approaching sixty cents. Thirty cents per gallon of gas has now reached three dollars. Our national debt is over ten trillion dollars and counting. Everyone sees this inflation but no one can stop it. When it pops and produces a Big Bang, the chaotic results will make the French Reign of Terror look like a picnic.
The solution offered here is a PIPE line tax. The (PP) pertains to personal property tax; the (I) pertains to annual income tax; the (E) pertains to estate taxes. The line is drawn on four cycle log paper using the following points.
$ ...........10,000 or less _____0%
$ .........100,000 _________25%
$ .....1,000,000 __________50%
$ ...10,000,000 __________75%
$ 100,000,000 or more ___100%
Instead of the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer, this PIPE line tax makes the flow of money cyclic. It is nonlinear in that the more one makes or has the more taxes one pays. This tax pertains to all: individuals, families, groups, churches, organizations, and corporations. There are no exceptions or exemptions. Each payer makes a list of their property or income and finds their tax on the same straight line. The purpose of the straight line is to prevent lawyers from twisting the law to suit their own purposes. Any and all property or income not listed belongs to the city, county, state, or federal government in that order. Any undervalued property can be purchased by one of these governmental bodies.
In summary, chaos as a new science needs to expand its scope because nonlinearity is part of our universe. It also looks like a key to going inside an atom. On the quantum scale, there will be an increase in variables due to the subneutron and subelements like subHydrogen and suboxygen. I wish them luck.
Chaos – Weather
The Libchaber’s experiment included four variables or fields: Gravity, Ray, Linear motion and Spin. Weather predictions must include a few more variables. The Earth rotates so one must include or exclude the sun, and there is no ceiling to contain the atmosphere. Also, there is often a horizontal Linear motion or wind. To this one must add Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, and water. An Oxygen atom contains eight neutrons in an outer orbit and six in an inner orbit. These orbits may rotate and precess. Also, water is unique in that the molecules cling to each other. This is probably due to the Hydrogen atoms forming unpinned intersections as already mention. Many such attractions produce clouds and drops of rain. Let’s not forget lightning and thunder when orbiting neutrons convert their energy to Ray. Together, these fields produce a nonlinear system and make accurate predictions almost impossible.
Rather than try to predict where a hurricane will land, a different approach is to sap its energy. One could build a fleet of refrigeration ships and fill them with liquid Oxygen or dry ice. As a funnel starts to form, sail the ships into the eye and open the cargo doors.
A similar approach is possible on dry land for a twister. One could also ask power companies to erect tall poles along highways and install lightning rods on these poles. A cable would be needed to carry Ray into the ground. Such energy would probably kill insects, snakes, and all vermin living near the poles plus the roots of many plants.
Chaos – Economics
Let’s now look at an even more complex system. The American economic system is capitalistic, nonlinear and unpredictable. Many men and women with PhDs have been working the problem for years with little improvement. Three cent stamps are now approaching sixty cents. Thirty cents per gallon of gas has now reached three dollars. Our national debt is over ten trillion dollars and counting. Everyone sees this inflation but no one can stop it. When it pops and produces a Big Bang, the chaotic results will make the French Reign of Terror look like a picnic.
The solution offered here is a PIPE line tax. The (PP) pertains to personal property tax; the (I) pertains to annual income tax; the (E) pertains to estate taxes. The line is drawn on four cycle log paper using the following points.
$ ...........10,000 or less _____0%
$ .........100,000 _________25%
$ .....1,000,000 __________50%
$ ...10,000,000 __________75%
$ 100,000,000 or more ___100%
Instead of the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer, this PIPE line tax makes the flow of money cyclic. It is nonlinear in that the more one makes or has the more taxes one pays. This tax pertains to all: individuals, families, groups, churches, organizations, and corporations. There are no exceptions or exemptions. Each payer makes a list of their property or income and finds their tax on the same straight line. The purpose of the straight line is to prevent lawyers from twisting the law to suit their own purposes. Any and all property or income not listed belongs to the city, county, state, or federal government in that order. Any undervalued property can be purchased by one of these governmental bodies.
In summary, chaos as a new science needs to expand its scope because nonlinearity is part of our universe. It also looks like a key to going inside an atom. On the quantum scale, there will be an increase in variables due to the subneutron and subelements like subHydrogen and suboxygen. I wish them luck.