Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We now come to the right side of the Tree Of Knowledge (TOK) and nonphysical ideas. For example, aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty, as in the fine arts. I cannot comment on this topic, because I’ve lost some of my hearing, and I’m partially colorblind. However, I’ve covered many of the other topics in my main articles so let me move on to ethics and sins.

Ethics is the study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person.

Moral pertains to the goodness or badness of human choices. The choices we make of our own free will.

One links goodness to God and Heaven and badness to evil, the Devil and Hell. Since my model of our physical universe eliminated these mythological concepts, I think it’s time for a major change in the definition of moral choices. I prefer to think in terms of logical and illogical choices. Remember, the purpose of our physical universe is to teach us how to reason logically. This purpose applies to math majors as well as street walkers.

A sin is a transgression of a religious or moral law. It is interesting to note in passing, if we eliminate religions, we eliminate sins.

How many sins are there? Well, there are seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. The new social sins include: environmental pollution, genetic manipulation, obscene wealth, infliction of poverty, drug trafficking, morally debatable experiments, and violation of the fundamental rights of human nature. To these, we can add a host of felonies like Rape and Murder.

Let’s now talk about the seven deadly sins. One’s inability to control one’s self characterizes all of these sins. This inability is not physical. Imagine a circle or sphere as our physical universe. By definition, Ideas cannot cross this boundary in either direction, but abilities can. Suppose you are a Being in The Universe, but you lack the ability to control yourself. If true, I think you would be a good candidate to attend school in the physical universe.

Lust occurs when a person acts as if their brain was between their legs.
Gluttony occurs when a person’s stomach controls their body.
Greed occurs when a person collects things. Think about it. Since everything is made of Space, one is collecting nothing. People collect things knowing full well that when their body dies, they cannot take the collection with them.
Sloth occurs when a person doesn’t want to learn anything. It’s like going to school and day dreaming while watching the clock on the wall.
Wrath occurs when one is full of vindictive anger. This often happens when one believes an illogical idea is the truth and someone else has exposed the idea as illogical.
Envy occurs when one wants what another has. Pride occurs when one is full of one’s self. Envy and Pride seem to be the ends of a continuum in a world of illogical Beings. Therefore, is seems best in the long run to be near the medium.

Let’s talk about the felonies. A similar reasoning applies. A Being in The Universe is having problems and is expressing itself in an outward fashion to disturb other Beings. In so doing, the Being becomes a candidate for schooling in the physical universe.
You can make your own decisions about the new social sins.

I will now give you two different examples. The first deals with a band of monkeys. Their leader has just died, and the biggest, strongest, meanest male monkey takes over the leadership task. No one wants to fight him. He uses any of the females whenever he wants. If she is holding a baby and is not cooperative, the new leader tries to kill the baby. After he has had his way, the second male in the pecking order has his way with the females and so on down the male chain. In effect, they gang rape the females daily. To solve their problem, each female selects a male and stays with him in hopes he will protect her from the other males.

The second example deals with seals on a beach. There is a beach master basking in the sun with his harem. One of his females slips into the water and swims to the other side of a large rock. She meets a young male, and they do their thing. While the young male is asleep, she slips into the sea and returns to the harem. The young male awakens to find she is gone, and he goes looking for her. He and the beach master get into a fight. Afterwards, the young male leaves bruised and bloody. He enters the ocean to wash away the blood and a shark eats him.

Let’s look at these two examples and try to apply some ethics and identify the sinners. Glory be, there are none. Ethics and sinning do not apply to animals, plants or insects. They perform according to Spencer’s survival of the fittest, kill or be killed, eat or be eaten.

So, let’s move these behaviors over to humans who have free choices. In this day and age, have you ever heard of a woman being gang raped? Have you ever heard of a woman who wanted to be near a strong man? How about a cheerleader who wants to be friendly with the star quarterback? Have you ever heard of a trophy wife who went astray? How about the expression ‘sex sells’? I read where a young blond woman married an old billionaire for half of his estate. He died on his wedding night with a smile on his face. I mention these examples to say we are not far in our evolution from the animals.

Previously, I divided humans into three groups: Earthy, People, and Beings. The Earthy humans were those who acted as if their brains were between their legs. There are men and women who show their bodies for money and sell their bodies for money. They deal in pornography and dive into orgies. Women have sex with dogs, and men use sheep.

Now look at the circle of our physical universe. The purpose of this school is to teach us how to reason logically. Do you think these people who are overly concerned with sex are thinking logically? I think not. When they recycle because they have not learned to reason logically, how will this physical universe teach them?

I believe a person returns to live in the mess they created. That is, they return to fight against their own ideas. It’s not punishment. It’s a way of teaching. For example, Nietzsche believed women existed for the entertainment of warriors. I believe he would have returned as an Amazon. Another example is a woman who hates a person because of a ‘difference’ will return with that ‘difference’. Have you ever heard that history repeats itself? Well, now you know why. There is no judgement day. If you do not learn to reason logically, you will recycle onto some planet in this physical universe.

For these earthy humans, I think they return as neuters or with genitalia for both sexes. Or, they could return as a female in a male body or vice versa.
The point I’m trying to make is our physical universe is a school, and it will do the necessary teaching to the sinners. So, you should not be eager to cast the first stone.

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